Friday, 28 October 2011


Writer: Geoff Johns
Year: 2011
Publisher: DC Comics
Pages: (176)

The trade for “Flashpoint” came out this week. At 5 issues, it’s a pretty quick read. Now, I have to admit, I’m not a Barry Allen fan. I think he’s a boring character and don’t appreciate that DC sidelined Wally for him. That said, I always have faith in Geoff, so I tore in…
The plot centres around Barry Allen, The Flash. He wakes up one day and realizes that everything is different. There’s no build up or lead in. histories been changed all of a sudden and both Barry and the reader are left scratching their heads and wondering what the hell just happened.
            The first thing I noticed here (with as few spoilers as possible) was the pace. This feels like an episode of a t.v show. There’s only one big action scene and it’s saved for the last two issues. The first three are basically, Barry tries to figure out what’s happened, Barry tries to get his speed back and Barry recruits other superheroes. These are alright on their own, but the book really should have been two or three issues longer, because of the slow pace, by the time we feel things have finally started happening, it’s practically over and we need a quick climax to get out of the way. There’s no big epic moments like in Infinite Crisis. The whole thing is over before the reader knows it. It certainly isn’t helped by the lack of a clear villain. Professor Zoom is only in if for a few pages near the end and the Aquaman/Wonder Woman war serves as little more than a backdrop. And there is a very good reason for this…
            “Flashpoint” is not an event book. This could have been released as issues 13-17 of the Flash ongoing series and nobody would have noticed. This book has the feel of something that was already plotted before DC decided to make it an event and publish 14 tie-in mini-series that barley even matter to the main plot.
            Another problem with this book is the real world relevance. For the big game changer, the book that paved the way for the new 52, this is abysmal. Go read “Booster Gold: Blue and Gold” (also by Johns). It’s the exact same thing, so is “Booster Gold: Day of Death” and probably a lot more after.
            “Flashpoint” does have a few good points going for it. Cyborg was used well and the inclusion of Thomas Wayne as Batman was a stroke of genius. The eventual climax, while brief is quite tragic (though you’d be forgiven for wondering how Barry’s mother not dying caused Clark’s ship to crash in Metropolis instead of Smallville) and the note Thomas leaves for Bruce is quite touching.

The bottom line.
Overall, this book is good as just another Flash story, but as an event book, it’s a joke. The presentation is nice and the art inside is superb.

Next stop.
The new 52 launched in September and are doing pretty well so far. “Animal man” and “Justice League International” are exceptionally good, but there’s really something for everyone.

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